My dad was always a lover of horses. Even though he’s gone on to heaven now, I still have his beautiful tooled-leather saddle. When I was a kid and we lived on a farm in Oklahoma, one night a terrible tornado hit close to us. On this same night, my dad’s mare had a baby colt. My dad named his new colt “Twister.”‘
My dad worked on a ranch in Montana when he was young. He would’ve fit so well there–even around the campfire at night. I can picture him playing his harmonica, or getting out his guitar and singing “Home On the Range” and “Get Along, Little Doggies.” He would’ve been in his element, since he always loved nature and sleeping under the stars.
One of my favorite pictures of Papa!!!
Mine too, Melanie. Dad looked so happy and free with the Colorado mountains behind him. He was young and passionate about life and being a minister. What I notice too is his clothing. Even when Dad didn’t have much money, he always had a real sense of style.
That sounds like a great story! I’d love to read the final product!!!
Thanks so much for your comment! Melanie tells me we’re kindred spirits–we both love to read. I’ll keep you posted on the final products. Feel free to comment anytime.
What a great story!
Thanks so much, Lisa!
Sounds like a book filled with amazing roots and heritage set during one of life’s most difficult time periods where no one seemed to mine the hardships. I cannot wait to read more!!!!!
I am proud I discovered this author. I will be following her work.
Thank you so much for your comments. Yes, my dad was an amazing man, very strong, caring, and self-sufficient. He loved anything to do with nature–hunting, fishing, and horses. He was a quiet man with much depth of character and creativity. He would take risks, but after careful thought. And Dad’s experiences just as a preacher would fill a book.
I appreciate your following my work. Thanks again. I really value your opinions, so please comment anytime!
Stories like these are right up my alley! I love everything about the cowboy lifestyle- because it is a lifestyle! It’s not just a hobby of someone’s. It’s everything outward all the way deep to the core! I’d love to read the rest! Fantastic writing!
Stories like these are right up my alley! I love everything about the cowboy lifestyle! It’s a much deeper meaning than most realize! Fantastic writing! Can’t wait to read the final product!