National Novel Writing Month is just ahead in November! I’m seriously thinking of going for it–even though it’s Thanksgiving month, and I’m the designated family cook an housekeeper for three days of wild celebration.
Every year, something inside me says “Go for it!” Then I ponder my other commitments and chicken out. But this is the first year that I’m not teaching English and loaded down with essays to grade. So I’m going to perch myself boldly in front of my computer each day and race toward the 50,000 word count. Even if I don’t quite make it, think of the new draft I’ll have written, just by making this commitment! There’s really nothing to lose and everything to gain.
– Does anybody else plan to be bold and join me? We can be supporters and encouragers to each other!
– Or do you have the voice of experience and can offer us NaNoWriMo newbies tips of wisdom? We would be most grateful for your advice….
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